Why Marrák
Hair loss is a commonly encountered problem for men and women of all ages. Until now, options for successful treatment have been limited to several existing medications that offer mediocre results or have considerable side effects, or highly invasive treatments such as hair transplantation. Our new all natural and organic Marrák Hair Recovery products ...
Our All Natural & Organic Marrák Hair Recovery Crème Has Been Clinically Proven to Recover Hair.
Moroccan Eco-Biologics, LLC (MEB) is committed to produce superior and highly effective natural..
All natural & organic hair recovery crème has been clinically proven to help...
Our Marrák Hair Recovery Crème has been tested in humans by a USFDA recognized ...

About the Founder
Dr. Elhabib Benlhabib is the founder and CEO of Moroccan Eco-Biologics, LLC (MEB). Growing up in Morocco, for years Dr. Benlhabib had witnessed first-hand the remarkable effects on family and friends who used an all natural “secret family recipe” to promote hair growth. Ultimately, he used the skills he gained from years of scientific study and research to refine the original family recipe, maintaining the key 6 Moroccan plant extracts while incorporating additional natural and organic ingredients including Moroccan argan oil. Through the Marrák Hair Recovery products, Dr. Benlhabib hopes to aid all of those who may be searching for a natural solution for hair loss or scalp issues or anyone who wants healthy hair and scalp.
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